วันพฤหัสบดีที่ 6 มีนาคม พ.ศ. 2551


I think that Art don’t have real meaning because it up to what people think. Sometimes it is the same product but we look in the different way such as there is 1 picture, this person think it is beautiful but that person think it’s not.

About the photo that we call it is kind of art, I think we don’t have to take just a very beautiful view but we can just taking a normal things but it can be beautiful if we know how to set the things in the photo. Because even you take a very beautiful view but you can’t set thing in the photo, it means nothing.

I like to take a photo too, but I think taking some strange things is more exciting than taking a normal view because you have to think how to make it beautiful. I think everything in this world we can call it is “Art” if we look it carefully. Even you take a photo and use the computer graphic to fix it, I think it’s also an art too because you just fix a few thing in the photo, you don’t change all of it.