วันจันทร์ที่ 24 กันยายน พ.ศ. 2550

describing myself

Hi!! Everybody . My name is Mai . I have to do this blog for my English lesson . I always love to make a blog. I will introduce myslef to you . I’m just 16 years old. Now I am in 10th grade . I am very interested in drawing pictures . You can visit "my link" to see my drawing but it’s not a perfect picture , so you can give me some advice about my picture so I can correct it . Now I am studying about how to do a CG painting , and I find that it’s very difficult to do it because you have to do it in a computer .

My hobby is eating [ especially confection but I don’t know why I am so skinny ! ] , sleeping , drawing , watching some good movies or Japanese and Korean series and reading a book . In my free time I always use a computer to download some movies , asian series and also anime[cartoon] because I want to save my money,it's a free download . I can’t live without a computer ! .

I have to tell you that I really hate Math and science that’s why I’m not good at them . I like languages . I study English for my second language and study Japanese for my third language . In the future I’m not sure that what faculty I want to be in but I know that I want to study about drawing and design because I want to be a graphic designer in the future .

I have been for study abroad 5 times in the summer holiday . The first time I went with my older sister to Perth , Australia , the second time I went to Taupo,NZ with my sister and Tong , the third time I went to Rotorua , NZ with my friend , Kaewta and the forth and the fifth time I went to Christchurch ,NZ alone . I really love to go abroad !

My character is crazy and I like to talk a lot all the time but I have 2 parts of myself . The first one is when I am with my friends , my habit is talking a lot and smile all the time but if I am with other person that I’m not really intimate I will be a very quiet , cool and stop talking! .

Young people today

Now there are many kinds of teenagers. The people that are in the teenager age are all different such as me and some of my friends, some of my friends are very quiet but I am a talkative person.

Now a days, there are teenagers that are good and bad. The kind of teenager is up to people all around them such as their friends or their family. The good friends can make them good and make them bad too.

Now there are a lot of things that can make teenagers change, such as internet and also some bad movies that not suitable for teenagers. The online game can make teenagers not be interested in lessons because they play games all day.

Teenagers like to chat with their friends or someone who they do not really know on the internet [also me] and they like to use the internet to find some information more than use some books because teenagers like to do something easy and quick.

I think now most teenagers are not interested in lessons because they think it is boring and there are many things that are interesting.

Most teenagers like to have time with their friends more than their family because they think their friends can understand them more than their family.

All of this is what I think but I do not know that what you think, because it is all about me. I think I am not a very good teenager, just like most teenagers