วันจันทร์ที่ 24 กันยายน พ.ศ. 2550

describing myself

Hi!! Everybody . My name is Mai . I have to do this blog for my English lesson . I always love to make a blog. I will introduce myslef to you . I’m just 16 years old. Now I am in 10th grade . I am very interested in drawing pictures . You can visit "my link" to see my drawing but it’s not a perfect picture , so you can give me some advice about my picture so I can correct it . Now I am studying about how to do a CG painting , and I find that it’s very difficult to do it because you have to do it in a computer .

My hobby is eating [ especially confection but I don’t know why I am so skinny ! ] , sleeping , drawing , watching some good movies or Japanese and Korean series and reading a book . In my free time I always use a computer to download some movies , asian series and also anime[cartoon] because I want to save my money,it's a free download . I can’t live without a computer ! .

I have to tell you that I really hate Math and science that’s why I’m not good at them . I like languages . I study English for my second language and study Japanese for my third language . In the future I’m not sure that what faculty I want to be in but I know that I want to study about drawing and design because I want to be a graphic designer in the future .

I have been for study abroad 5 times in the summer holiday . The first time I went with my older sister to Perth , Australia , the second time I went to Taupo,NZ with my sister and Tong , the third time I went to Rotorua , NZ with my friend , Kaewta and the forth and the fifth time I went to Christchurch ,NZ alone . I really love to go abroad !

My character is crazy and I like to talk a lot all the time but I have 2 parts of myself . The first one is when I am with my friends , my habit is talking a lot and smile all the time but if I am with other person that I’m not really intimate I will be a very quiet , cool and stop talking! .
