วันจันทร์ที่ 24 กันยายน พ.ศ. 2550

Young people today

Now there are many kinds of teenagers. The people that are in the teenager age are all different such as me and some of my friends, some of my friends are very quiet but I am a talkative person.

Now a days, there are teenagers that are good and bad. The kind of teenager is up to people all around them such as their friends or their family. The good friends can make them good and make them bad too.

Now there are a lot of things that can make teenagers change, such as internet and also some bad movies that not suitable for teenagers. The online game can make teenagers not be interested in lessons because they play games all day.

Teenagers like to chat with their friends or someone who they do not really know on the internet [also me] and they like to use the internet to find some information more than use some books because teenagers like to do something easy and quick.

I think now most teenagers are not interested in lessons because they think it is boring and there are many things that are interesting.

Most teenagers like to have time with their friends more than their family because they think their friends can understand them more than their family.

All of this is what I think but I do not know that what you think, because it is all about me. I think I am not a very good teenager, just like most teenagers

3 ความคิดเห็น:

Peach_roll-tee กล่าวว่า...
Peach_roll-tee กล่าวว่า...

I think your idea is good. I think like you. Now there are many kind of teenager. Teenagers are good or bad it from there family and people around them.
I am in the one person who likes to use internet. I use it to work or relax. I think everybody can use internet but not too much.
I agree with your idea it is interesting to read.

JANE ** lolz** กล่าวว่า...

HI! This is Jane.
As I know you. You are a good teenager and friend. However, I think that one of the fantastic in our lifetime and things are not that bad if we have our own limit, when they should stop. Therefore, I think that bad movies, chatting with stranger (which I do too) and internet can change all of us. Because we all know, the news that presents both good and bad side of this things and they also told us how to avoid from the bad things too.
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