วันอาทิตย์ที่ 18 พฤศจิกายน พ.ศ. 2550

My Parent's Opinions

My parents think that Thai society has a problem because they change government very often, I think so because there are many problems about how to manage Thai society in the good way. My parents think that if the leader is not strong enough, then there is a big problem and I think so because if someone becomes the leader of the country they have to be powerful and do some work very quickly not slowly then that country can develop.

My parents think that there are many problems about Thai teenagers because there is a lot of news about Thai teenagers doing a bad thing such as killing people and my parents think that this problem comes from their family. My parents always think that if people around them are bad, they will become bad too. My mother reads many book about teenagers so she understands us.

My parents always said that your own life, you have to take care of it by yourself, because nobody will take care of your life until you die, you have to look after yourself. I think so because nobody will live with you until you die.

My parents always said that now people thoughts change, sometimes they can’t even take care of themself but they make themself become more difficult to take care of such as the woman who doesn’t have good work but they are pregnant without their husband, then they become a big problem. I think so because if you can’t even take care of yourself why they don’t think about if they have a baby in their life it will become more difficult to live.

My parents said that now the work is very difficult to find and now there are a lot of people who were fired. Now there are a lot of people who come from Burma or Laos come to work in Thailand and don’t have a visa, so they are not allowed to work in Thailand, and then police have to catch them. My parents think that this problem is a big problem in Thailand because they are illegal. I think that because there is not a lot of work to do so they have to come to another country to find some work for their life. But they do it in the wrong way, I think they should do it in law.

2 ความคิดเห็น:

FeleliS กล่าวว่า...

I agree with government problems. Politician seems to be a little stupid for me and that's not good enough for people that have to use their decision to develop country, and they also cheat a lot, I'll never trust this people to develop country.

I think problems about teenagers are big problem, nowadays some parents love money more than love their children and they don't have time for their children. So kids have to find other people that loves them, even if they're bad people. Children and teenagers will do what they do because teenager don't want to be alone.

enigma กล่าวว่า...

Hi Mai, it’s Bam.
I agree with your parents that people around us are the important factor to our behavior. If people around us are bad we’ll be bad too. Sometimes, we don’t know that we are going to be bad people because we think that we can control ourselves. I also agree with your parents that we should take care of our own lives. Although people around us are important, the most important factor is ourselves. Teachers or parents can teach us how to be the good people, but if we don’t follow that, we can’t be good people.